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Bring this beautiful statue of Mary to your Home for a special time of prayer.
St. Mark Knights of Columbus will
deliver her and pick her up at your home!
How to Bring This Prayer to Your Home
Call the parish office 303-466-8720 and reserve the
statue for the amount of time that is convenient for you. Arrangements will be made for the statue to be brought to your home when it is convenient.
After receiving the statue of Mary into your home you can invite your neighbors, friends and family to gather for one week to share in a community of prayer and to pray for the sake of world peace in our lives together.
This would be a great opportunity to teach your family this important prayer of the church. All the directions and suggestions for the times of prayer will be provided with the Statue when you receive it into your home.
We can make a difference with our prayer together. We can pray for ourselves, we can pray for the sick and dying, we can pray for the lost and forsaken souls. We can also pray for the world.

Join your fellow Knights, parishioners and friends for our monthly rosary first Saturday of each month at 10 A.M. at the Armed Forces Tribute Garden located at 6001 W 104th Ave, Westminster, CO 80020.
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